Online Counselling
Online Counselling
Online Counselling, also known as telehealth, online therapy, e-therapy and e-counselling, is the provision of mental health services and support over the internet by talking with a mental health professional such as a Psychotherapist, Psychologist or Counsellor. Online Counselling is accessed using a device that has an internet connection, such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Research shows that online counselling is effective in supporting a range of mental health issues. A systematic review of meta-analyses by Snoswell et al (2021) demonstrated that telehealth is equally as effective as face-to-face counselling.
- At VWM, both Couples and Individual counselling are conducted online. Please refer to Couples Counselling or Individual Counselling for further information regarding each of these services. Online counselling offers a range of benefits, including:
- Reduced stigma: Some people experience stigma in seeking mental health services. If you’re uncomfortable attending the clinic, online counselling offers an alternate solution, while providing the help and services you seek
- Accessibility: Physical barriers may inhibit access to counselling such as living in a remote area, access to transport or health concerns such as illness or exposure to COVID, interstate or overseas travel, or physical disability. Online counselling overcomes these barriers
- Convenience: Online counselling enables greater flexibility makes it possible to schedule sessions around your work schedule and family obligations. In addition, travelling to and from sessions, dealing with traffic and finding parking are eliminated
- Privacy: Online counselling can be conducted from your location of choice such as the privacy of your home, office, or other space of choice
- Online Disinhibition Effect: A familiar and comfortable environment is often less confronting and more conducive to for clients to be able to open up about thoughts and feelings, and be vulnerable